Friday, September 28, 2012

Out of Control

Do you ever find yourself out of options. I mean really out of options. Everything that you have been thinking about, planning for, and striving for comes to a screeching halt. Well, that is where I am. I have been making big plans and dreaming about what I want out of life and now I have to just put it all away. Tuck it away someplace safe and pray that one day I can wipe the dust off of my dreams and they will come to fruition. But today, my heavenly Father showed me just who is in control and it isn't me. So now I have a choice. I can accept that He knows what is best for my life and learn to trust Him exclusively and completely or be miserable and depressed and get mad or blame the devil or what ever else we tend to do when faced with a situation that is completely out of our control. So today, after the initial shock and attitude, I will choose to trust. Because I really do trust Him. Yahweh has proven Himself trustworthy over and over again in our life so how could I doubt or blame Him now. I cannot. So today I turn all of my life over to Jehovah who will not let me down. The sad reality is, I thought I had already turned everything over to Him. Now I realize I was still trying to steer things my way. Wow! What a revelation!

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