Monday, March 7, 2011

Hearing from God

Sometimes I just want to hear what God has to say. I spend so much wasted time worrying about things that never happen or may never happen. I put thought and energy in things that could be better spent on things that matter. All the worrying and lost sleep is for nothing. God says to focus on Him. Worship Him. Love Him. Serve Him. Obey Him. If we put our all into Him, then we don't have time to worry or try to make things happen that we have no business making happen. If we put all our focus on God, He will take care of all the details of our lives. He will tell us what we need to do and when we need to do it. All we have to do is obey. But that is the hard part isn't it. The obeying. Sometimes we are more than willing to obey because it is something we want to do. Other times we do not neccessarily like what He is asking us to do so we don't obey. That's when we get ourselves into trouble and we start complaining that God isn't listening or He doesn't care. When if we had just been obedient in the first place we could have saved ourselves a lot of grief. So, I said all that to say this. God wants me to pray and worship Him. Spend time with Him. That is all He is asking for from me. Not just pray for myself and my family but for other ministries and people as well. So tonight I plan to sleep much better and keep my Heavenly Father on my mind and not problems. So hear is to a good night sleep!

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