Monday, August 23, 2010

Kids say the darndest things!

Brandon: "I prayed that God would give me a girlfriend and God told me that He couldn't find me one right now because He was too busy with all those people in heaven."

Brandon: "Turtles have a trailer park inside their shell. A mobile home on their back."

Isaac: around 4 years. "No, I don't want anything, I had lunch yesterday."

Isaac: We were playing the quiet game one day in the van and Isaac won. He said,"I didn't actually win, I was talking in my head."

When Isaac was around 3 and 4 he did not like us talking about things we did before he was born so he made up this entire family that he had when he was a man. He would always say that he and his family went somewhere or did something that we had done.

Cade always says that he has a friend that has done that whenever we talk about anything he hasn't experienced yet. Cade is the master "tall tale teller". He gives my nephew Andrew a run for his money.

Last year Cade changed his name to Russell Cade because he wanted to have Russell in his name like his daddy and brother. He made us call him that for about 9 months. Finally, I started telling him about all the cool and famous people that had the name William and he finally decided that he was William Cade again.

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