Friday, March 29, 2013

One thing that I really love about our homeschooling style is we take full advantage of things the boys are interested in. Tuesday while I was getting out of the shower I heard the boys talking in my bed about negative numbers and multiplication. Cade said that he didn't know what multiplication was so we have spent the entire week working on multiplication. I didn't even have to ask. Every morning they are both at the table waiting for more problems to solve. I love watching connections being made in their minds and the puzzle start coming together. I also love watching them "get" something that they didn't understand previously. It is a very satisfying experience for me and them. I also love a day that feels like you accomplished something. We worked in the yard all day today and got a lot of yard work done. Both boys worked for hours knowing they would get paid for helping. Cade is saving money for a grappling hook. I didn't even know what that was until they were making them out of their nerf guns this week. They teach me things all the time also! While we were digging up an old stump today we ran across a little snake. Isaac went inside to get the guide book and it seems we found a small earth snake. Poor thing was woken up early from hibernation. More learning taking place when we thought it was just a work day. I guess you cannot get away from learning!

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