Monday, March 9, 2020

Lessons Learned from a Two Year Old

I am writing this post for myself. Maybe someone out there needs to hear it also.

What if we lived life with total abandonment? What if every day was spent in a state of awe and wonder and curiosity? If we did things just to see how they turned out or what would happen if I ....? Toddlers live without fear of failure or how they look or what anyone thinks about them. How would life look if we truly lived in this state? And even if we did fail, we didn't beat ourselves up or feel bad or care what anyone thought about it. We just learned from our mistakes and tried again with the new knowledge. This is exactly how a two year old lives. They are always wondering what would happen if I did this. And how things work. And want to know "why". They don't shirk their responsibilities. They take them seriously but always with a sense of play and wonder and curiosity. Life is a game and they intend to make the most of it and learn the rules and sometimes change the rules when it doesn't suit them.

Have you ever turned on music when a toddler is around? They start to sing and dance with abandon. They don't care who is watching or listening. They are totally into the music and the moment. Or if you say, "ok, let's exercise!" They start attempting to do what you do and they don't care what they look like or if they are doing it right. They are just living in the moment having fun. Bathtime? Awesome! Let's play in the bubbles. Mealtime? Great! Let's throw this on the wall and see what happens. Or mash this and mix that. Then they throw a temper tantrum because their food is touching. Not because they are "bad" or because they are trying to get on your last nerve. But because it is the only way they know how to handle their emotions at that moment.

I am not recommending throwing your food against the wall or have a temper tantrum during dinner. I am merely pointing out the sense of play toddlers have with everything they do. What if we could incorporate the same the sense of wonder and curiosity and excitement in the things we have to do each day. Play with your food! Cook new things. Present it in the fine dishes. Whatever it takes to make it more fun and colorful and exciting. This is just one tiny example of changing everyday things into something a little more fun. If we could just inject a little bit of these qualities into our everyday life, our life would change in drastic ways for the better.

What if you woke up in the morning with a feeling of wonder and expectancy instead of dreading that you have to go to work? If you got up and decided that you will see the world through the eyes of a toddler for just one day and see if your world looked a little brighter, a little shinier? Instead of dreading going to work, you decided for just this one day, you would treat it like an adventure and put some mystery and wonder in your work day. What would happen if I did things like this instead of how I usually do it? What if I rearrange things in my work space or added something colorful and playful. What if I try this new idea that has been brewing in my brain instead of fearing the boss or co workers won't like it. What if you took it upon yourself to make your place of business more fun for you and your coworkers? Brought more joy into everyone's life? The ideas for adding a little curiosity and creativity and fun into your day are limitless!

Have you ever had an idea or intense desire to do something or create something or start something just brewing inside of you but you put it on the back burner because of fear of failure, or what someone might think, or because you don't have time? Or too old, too young, too fat? Whatever irrational fear comes to mind. Maybe you have an idea for a cool new business, or you always wanted to learn how to play an instrument or sport, or you want to go on an African safari, or skydive, or help orphaned koalas or pandas. Or change jobs or start a family or find your new bff. Whatever you have been putting off or waiting for the right "moment", maybe it's now. You might not have tomorrow. Maybe now is the time to dust the cobwebs off of your ideas and take a good look at them and start formulating a plan to make it happen. Even taking baby steps in the direction you want to go can change your whole outlook on life. It will give life a much bigger sense of excitement and curiosity and fun.

I want to get to the end of my days, and look back at all the wonder filled, exciting, bold, audacious and fun things I accomplished on this planet than look back with regrets of all the things I wanted to do, but didn't.