Sunday, May 19, 2019

Brandon's Shenanigans

"The latest in the "Brandon Shenanigans"
I waited a few weeks to post this because I wasn't sure exactly how to say everything. So I will just jump right in.

"When Brandon was little, we worried about someone calling DSS because he would get away from us in public and even at home or he would have a black eye or a broken bone from running into walls or tripping and falling. Fortunately, it never happened, until now.

"Russ' dad told us that a lady from DSS was looking for us. She didn't know where we lived and found my FIL first. He showed her where we lived and she left a business card because we were not home. At first I was angry because I couldn't imagine why anyone would do that. Most of the people in town know Brandon. All the police and firemen and business owners know him. Most people watch out for him as he's riding his bike. He follows the traffic laws, mostly. And usually doesn't get into trouble.

So I called her and she said that someone in town called DSS because Brandon said he was wet, cold, hungry, and that we had no electricity. I was speechless for a minute. I said, "I don't know why he would say that since we have electricity and food and he has plenty of warm clothes." She said someone would be coming to the house to investigate.

A few days later the DSS lady came back while my MIL was here. My MIL came over to wake Brandon up and make him a sandwich and give him his medicine before he went into town. The DSS lady walked in the door and saw that we had electricity and food, and the house was clean, and that Brandon was being taken care of and she was completely shocked. She said, "this isn't what I was expecting at all!"

So this is what actually happened. On the morning that someone called DSS, the boys and I left the house early for a co-op class, Russ left early for work, and my MIL was at a doctors appointment. Therefore no one was around when he woke up. There was also no electricity on in the house when he woke up because men were working on the electric pole in the front yard. So Brandon got dressed and rode his bike into Westminster to find food and on his way it started to rain. By the time he got to the restaurant, he was hungry, cold, wet, and we had no electricity. So he was completely telling the truth.

So I called the DSS lady back to explain why Brandon said those things. We both had a good laugh about that. She did say that they had to keep the case open for 45 days but not to worry because everything was good. They just have to jump through all of their hoops.

And that is the saga of Brandon and DSS.

Life is truly an adventure!